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Carefully selected images from The Gathering of The Ones collection of photographs showcasing the journey of The Ones. The Ones were created using only dead fallen natural materials that were honourably collected on my many nature walks and adventures. No living plants were harmed in this process. Created with pinecones, acorns, dried flowers, twigs and gathered natural objects, each One was created with Love. Photographed locally on Vancouver Island from deep in the Cumberland Community Forest, Comox Lake and the Eastern shores of Vancouver Island as well as Caycuse River at the Fairy Creek Forest Protection blockades.

The Ancient Forest ecosystems on Vancouver Island are unlike anywhere else in the world. These forests have always held a special place in my heart. I was introduced to the Old Growth Forests as a child by my grandparents and the wonder and magic within these ecosystems remained with me all my life. The trees, the mosses and lichens, the forest floor, the bushes of berries, the mushrooms and all the special little beings that live in these ecosystems fill me with wonder, amazement, peace, beauty and happiness. 


So, naturally when creating and writing The Gathering of The Ones it felt right that their home be the old growth forests. 

It wasn’t until after the book was written that I discovered the Indigenous led movement at Fairy Creek to protect the last remaining 2.7% of the Old Growth Forests on Vancouver Island, British Columbia that are on unceded Pacheedaht and Ditidaht Traditional Territories. Naturally, it just made sense that I go. Early April 2021 The Ones joined in at Caycuse Camp, one of the many forest defender camps protecting these ancient forests from being logged. The September photograph in the calendar is The Ones at Caycuse Camp in front of the bus that protected the forests beyond the river.

Fairy Creek Blockade is an Indigenous led movement to protect these ancient trees, sacred lands and ecosystems. Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones has led and invited many people to come and experience these lands saying, “Each of us has our role to play, just like the forest”. He teaches that the forest is a place of prayer, meditation and stillness. Bill Jones has also encouraged people to “Re-sensitize yourself to the natural world, to the forest and help save what is sensitive in this world”. The Fairy Creek blockade is now one of the largest civil disobedience movements in Canadian history with 1168 arrests to date (as I write this 11/17/21). It is one of the most powerful, love-filled experiences of my life seeing people from all ages and backgrounds working together to protect these ancient trees with all their hearts and souls and bodies. It’s the power of people working together for something bigger than themselves that is truly magical and empowering to be a part of. The Ones visited Fairy Creek many times over the spring and summer of 2021 and you can see more photographs and videos from those experiences on our Instagram page @thegatheringoftheones   


I also encourage you to learn more about the movement by visiting and @fairycreekblockade on Instagram.


10% of the profits from all The Gathering of The Ones merchandise goes to Fairy Creek Blockade to support the protection of the old growth forests. Let’s save these magnificent ancient ecosystems together.


Calendar photos by Cindy Foley. Locally printed in the Comox Valley, British Columbia the traditional territory of K’omoks First Nation.

2022 - 12 Month Moon Phases - Wall Calendar

Excluding GST/HST
    • January features Chief Mura who is one of the Elder Ones. 
    • February features two love Ones actually photographed on Valentine’s Day 2021 after a beautiful snowfall. 
    • March features a group of Ones travelling through the forest to the gathering. 
    • April features the Elder Ones; Grandma B, Luxi the Wizard One and Chief Mura standing at the edge of Dragon Rock Mountain.
    • May features a group of Ones at the ocean. 
    • June features a gathering of Ones activating at the ocean with crystals and rainbow pinecones.
    • July features The Gathering of The Ones at Comox Lake. This was the gathering that activated and amplified their ability to be seen and heard by humans.
    • August features a group of Ones travelling through the forest to the gathering. 
    • September features The Ones at Caycuse Camp Fairy Creek Blockade standing with The Last Stand for Ancient Forests schoolbus.
    • October features Grandma B and Ryk and Oka deep in the Cumberland Community Forest.
    • November features a pollinator One offering thanks and gratitude to the lake. 
    • December features Oka and Ryk at the ocean. 
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We respectfully acknowledge that the land we gather on is on the Unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land.

© Copyright Cindy Foley 2022 | All Rights Reserved.

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